SAS Tutoring
Tutoring in a variety of subjects is available to all currently enrolled SAS students!
Tutoring is one-on-one, by appointment only. Tutoring takes place in person at the Student Accessibility Services office (AD/SS 105). Tutoring is offered in the following subjects:
- Academic Writing and Communication Skills
- Child Development
- Communication Studies
- Critical Reading and Analysis
- Economics
- English
- Ethnic Studies
- History
- Note-Taking Strategies
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Public Speaking
- Research Methods
- Sociology
- Test-Taking Strategies
- Time Management Skills
How to Make a Tutoring Appointment
Before the Semester Starts
Meet Your SAS Counselor and plan your semester
Meet your SAS Tutoring Specialist
Sign Your tutoring agreement and enroll in the SAS Tutoring Canvas
During the Semester
Submit the SAS Tutor Request Form
Check your SAS email for your appointment day and time
Attend your personalized tutoring session
Submit a tutor feedback form after the session to better customize your future sessions
Get Additional Information
For more information on SAS Tutoring, please contact:
Karina West, Academic Support Services Specialist