The Library, which houses a collection of over 70,000 volumes, is located near the south-west corner of the campus. Library materials can be searched through an online catalog which displays items in both the SBVC and Crafton Hills College Libraries. One or more copies of most textbooks used at SBVC are available for in-Library use through the "Textbook Bank." In addition, there are databases accessing thousands of ebooks, newspapers, magazines, journals and other materials supporting research. Enrolled students may request a password from the Reference Librarian so that they can access these databases from their home computers.

The Library also houses the campus' open computer laboratory, with over 100 personal computers and multi-media equipment available for student use in completing class assignments.

Faculty librarians are available to help students find materials for term papers and other research assignments.

For information on services and
hours of operation, call (909) 384-4448.

Library Homepage