Pacific Islander High School Graduation Recognition Ceremony Celebrates Seniors from Across Southern California
July 9, 2019
Celebrating its second year, the Pacific Islander High School Graduation Recognition Ceremony (PIGRC) was a fun evening filled with live music, dancing, and spoken word.

Middle College High School Graduates Are on the Path to Success
July 9, 2019
Middle College High School students graduate not only with a high school diploma, but also college credit, giving them a head start to success.

Pinning Ceremony Recognizes Forty New Graduates of Nursing Program
July 9, 2019
The brilliant glow of the gleaming white uniforms could not surpass the excitement and beaming smiles of the graduates at the SBVC Nurse Pinning Ceremony.

10 SBVC Retirees Feted During Goodbye Party
July 9, 2019
Ending their careers on a high note, 10 San Bernardino Valley College employees were sent off with a fun, campus-wide retirement party on May 6.

Puente Celebrates the Culmination of a Year of Accomplishments
July 9, 2019
The Puente End of Year Celebration is a way to congratulate students who completed the special year-long program.

25 Graduates Honored During Pharmacy Technology Pinning Ceremony
July 9, 2019
This spring, 25 students graduated from the Pharmacy Technology program, capping off their experience with a special pinning ceremony.

Umoja-Tumaini Program Holds Naming Ceremony
July 9, 2019
he Umoja-Tumaini Program held their end-of-the-year celebration for its program's students.

Art Students Awarded at Gallery Reception
July 9, 2019
The SBVC Art Department held their annual Student Art Show reception to showcase the final exhibition of the year in the Clara and Allen Gresham Art Gallery.