Middle College High School Graduates Are on the Path to Success
Middle College High School students graduate not only with a high school diploma,
but also college credit, giving them a head start to success. Dozens of hard-working
students were first honored during the Senior Crossing on May 17, where several outstanding
students received awards and scholarships. The MCHS Graduation Ceremony was held on
May 22, and celebrated the achievements of the graduating class of 2019. This class
had a 100% HS graduation rate, and 100% of students met all A-G college entrance requirements
are continuing their college education in 2019-20. Students averaged over a 4.0 in
high school classes and a 3.0 in SBVC classes. Students also averaged $11,680 per
graduate in grants/scholarships to date, and will have earned an average of 45 units
of college credit per high school graduate.