SBVC Unveils "Valley 360 Resource Center"
On November 14, San Bernardino Valley College unveiled its first-ever resource center for homeless and needy students, named the Valley 360 Resource Center for its potential to provide 360 degrees of support for students during their academic pursuits at SBVC.
The resource center will provide meals, clothing, and baby items for hundreds of San Bernardino Valley College students who will need them most, allowing them to focus more time on their studies and on completing their degree or certificate that will lead them to employment in the high-paying career of their dreams.
“As college administrators, we perceive the rising need among our student body as
a significant challenge that needs to be addressed in order to help all students be
successful while they are studying and preparing for their careers,” said President
Diana Rodriguez.
This resource center is made possible through the generosity of the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino, as well as the work of SBVC’s Administrative Services division, which prepared the facility for operation, and the Student Services division, which operates and staffs the center.
The center is open every Tuesday and Wednesday from 2 to 6 p.m., on the east side of the Planetarium, and students can pick up one food and/or hygiene bag every week. To be eligible, students must bring a current registration statement, either printed or on their cell phone. Donations of non-perishable food, baby items, and unused hygiene items are welcome.