Alumna Sarah Gonzales Starts New Journey with SBCCD Police Department
Sarah Gonzales is stepping into a new role in the San Bernardino Community College District, going from being a student to a member of the SBCCD Police Department.
In June, Gonzales graduated with Class 42 of the San Bernardino Valley College Extended
Basic Police Academy, ranking in the top 10. Her desire to make a difference drew
her to law enforcement, along with knowing that every day, officers face "physical
challenges, mental challenges, and moral obligations," she said. "It makes me proud
to be a part of something greater than myself. I know these challenges will not only
help me grow, but also the community I live in.
"This wasn't Gonzales' first time at SBVC. This scholar athlete earned her associate's
degree in biological and physical sciences in 2017, and her familiarity with the campus
is one reason why she enrolled in the Extended Basic Police Academy. She also liked
that the program is designed for people with jobs and offers a flexible course schedule."I
hadn’t been in school since I graduated from San Bernardino Valley College, and knew
I needed some time to readjust to the learning environment," Gonzales said. "I was
also able to work full time to continue working towards my financial goals and keep
up with my expenses."Gonzales is excited about continuing her journey with the SBCCD
Police Department, as there is "so much more to learn and experience here.
I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to work and give back to the community that
has given me the tools to succeed."She has one main goal: to be in alignment with
a community policing approach. This means "reaching out to the different communities
and cultures within our college and getting to know every department on the campus,"
Gonzales said. "This will strengthen the communication and expectations the community
has for us. Our goal is to create a safe and secure environment for our students,
faculty, and anyone who visits our campuses."