Are you feeling sick and run down? Do you have some health question? Has it been a long time since you had a health check up? Physical Health services are here to help!

A Registered Nurse (RN) available every day we are open without an appointment. RN services are free. RNs can help you with a variety of things.

Nurse Practitioner (NP) available by appointment and drop in when openings are available. NP services are free. NP can provide you with physician type services including prescriptions when needed. Call (909) 384-4495 to make an appointment.

Jump rope rhyme-Germs, germs, germs everywhere; Bugs in you britches and bugs in your hair

Your infested, go get tested. Come on down to Student Health Services, get your health on…

Do not let health needs interfere with your ability to attend classes, complete your academic assignments, or live your life. See an RN or NP today to get your needs met.